Many of our clients have us back year after year to edge and mulch, prune and fertilize, and otherwise maintain the landscape that we have installed for them. We also do Spring and Fall cleanups, graduation and special party spruce ups, annual and Spring bulb plantings and specialty pruning. We don’t just come in, throw mulch and leave. All beds are properly edged, all plants are properly fertilized, all soil is maintained at the proper ph necessary for plant health. And our pruning and specialty pruning is very professionally executed. We also maintain small front properties to very large estates.
Spring and Fall Clean-ups and Party Spruce-ups:
- Leaf cleanup
- Shrub and Tree Trimming
- Mulching
- Bed edging
- Weeding
- Annual and bedding plantings
- Temporary seasonal & Tropical plantings
- Spring bulb plantings
- Applying fertilizer and/or organics nutrients
- Specialty pruning, topiary, hedging, Hindu-pan, limbing up large shrubs and evergreens shrubs into trees
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Shrub and tree trimming:
- Paperbark Maple – limbed and under planted
- Seven Sons tree – limbed and under planted
- Limbed tree – showing under planting of roses and Blue Star creeper
In back left, beginning to limb burning bush into a tree form to grow 15′ high, exposing trunk and it’s pretty unique bark, and allowing top to display 15′ of firey red in the fall and in the foreground is a Dwarf St. Mary’s Broom blue spruce limbed into beginning Hindu-pan cloud form, yellow foliage is Chardonnay Pearls Deutzia
The pruning technique: “Limbing” shows pruning a large evergreen from a big blob into a multi-trunk evergreen tree. The pictures below also show edging and mulching:
Knot garden hedge pruning:
Limb up tall blue spruce into a tree form and under planting with boxwood:
Hindu-pan (cloud) pruning:
- Beginning to transform 3 boxwood plants into hindu-pan, behind boxwood are 3 Sweetbay Magnolias that have been limbed to expose trunks to show age.
- Small hindu-pan dwarf blue spruce & Japanese maple behind
- Small hindu-pan juniper
- Full Moon Maple hindu-pan in background
- Dwarf Blue spruce and boxwood single stem, limbed into hindu-pan single trunk
Topiary and formal hedging:
Boxwood spiral topiary and the starting of a very dwarf boxwood hedge, trunk of Seven Sons tree, “limbed” to be able to under plant.
Annual and bedding plantings:
- Hedge pruning and annual planting
- Annual planting with mixed dwarf conifers and topiary boxwood